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World Of 8 Billion - Global Video Contest

Published on : 15-Feb-2024 Powered by

Population Education, a program of Population Connection, is a US-based program with a strong emphasis on curriculum and professional development for K-12 educators that focuses on human population issues.

World Of 8 Billion Video Contest: Population growth is a threat multiplier – it makes other problems worse and more difficult to combat. Through the World of 8 Billion student video contest, middle and high schoolers are given the platform to think critically about global challenges related to population and share what they think we should do to fix it.

Video Contest Topic

Explain how population growth impacts one of the following global topics and offer an idea for a sustainable solution. The global topics are:

1. Climate migration

2. Health

3. Invasive species

Process to participate

1. Pick a topic from the three given above

2. Research the issue

3. Develop a solution

4. Create a video

Length of the video should not exceed 60 seconds.

Relevant for: Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Non-Medical, 11 Medical, 11 Commerce, 11 Humanities, 12 Non-Medical, 12 Medical, 12 Commerce, 12 Humanities.

Entries close 5 Mar 2024.

Click HERE for complete details about Eligibility, Application guidelines, Awards and other details.

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