College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates
Tripura Joint Entrance Exam 2021 : Applications Started
Published on : 07-Apr-2021 Powered by www.Opasis.comThe Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination (TBJEE) will prepare the merit list for admission to Engineering, Technological, Veterinary, Agriculture, Fisheries, Paramedical and other Professional Degree Courses based on the merit of Tripura Joint Entrance Exam TJEE-2021. This entrance exam is conducted for allocation of seats reserved for the State of Tripura.
Seats : Total number of seats along other criteria regarding eligibility shall be ascertained on the basis of the communication as received by the Board from the respective sponsoring departments. Reservation of seats for SC / ST / Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ Wards of Ex-serviceman (ESM) candidates will be made as per Reservation Act of the State Government as notified from time to time.
It is to be noted that the admission of a candidate to a College/ University/ Institution will be subjected to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria regarding cut-off marks and others as specified by the respective departments of State & Central Governments / Institution / Council / Body.
Further information regarding number of seats available and procedure of counselling will be published later on.
Reservation : Reservation of seats for SC / ST / Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ Wards of Ex-serviceman (EX) candidates will be made as per Reservation Act of the State Government as notified from time to time. Certificate(s) issued by the appropriate authority (Rajya Sainik Board for EX and District Disabilities Rehabilitation Centres for PwD candidate) shall have to be uploaded at the time of application by the candidate.
Key dates
Last date to apply : 25 Apr 2021
Exam date : 23 Jun 2021
It is to be noted that the admission of candidate to a certain College / University will be subjected to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria regarding cut-off marks and other norms as specified by the respective departments of State & Central Government/ Institution/ Council/ Body etc.
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