College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

NEET Last Date Extended, Aadhaar NOT mandatory

Published on : 09-Mar-2018 Powered by

CBSE has issued a public notification dated 08th March, 2018 in which it announced following changes :

1. Last date for submission of application form for NEET UG 2018 is extended from 09.03.2018 to 12.03.2018 (Monday) till 5:30 PM

2. The candidates may submit online fees upto 13.03.2018 till 11:50 PM

3. Aadhaar is NOT mandatory for filling-in the application. Alternate Govt. issued identity numbers are also acceptable.  These include: Ration Card, Passport, Bank a/c no., Driving license, Voter ID etc.

4. The window for one-time correction has changed. It will be open from 15.03.2018 (Thursday) until 17.03.2018 (Saturday)

Earlier this week, other announcements related to changes in eligibility for 'Applying' to NEET UG 2018  include:

1. Upper age limit of 25 years for UR category candidates (30 years for reserved category candidates) applying to NEET has been removed

2. Candidates from NIOS / State Open schools may apply

3. Candidates who have passed Biology as additional subject may apply

4. Candidates who have passed as private candidate may also apply

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