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NATA 2018 :Application Last Date Extended

Published on : 04-Mar-2018 Powered by

NATA 2018 application last date has been extended upto 30 March 218 (till 3PM).

About NATA : National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA), conducted by Council of Architecture,  measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e. Architecture. The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability, that have been acquired over a long period of time, and that are related to specific field of study.

NATA is conducted by the Council of Architecture, being the competent & final authority for the purpose of fixing norms and standards for architectural institutions and having the necessary expertise to hold a Common Aptitude Test in Architecture, at national level to provide a single window system for appearing in aptitude test and to facilitate institutions, students and public at large for admission to First year of 5 year B.Arch Degree Course at all recognized Institutions all over country.

Note : NATA as such does not get you admission in any college. NATA is just an Aptitude Test. On receiving the Score Card, the candidate will have to contact various admission authorities / institutes / colleges / universities with NATA Score Card and other details (as prescribed by the respective Admission Authorities).

For full deetails, check NATA

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