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JEE-Advanced 2022 Applications Start On 7 Aug

Published on : 03-Aug-2022 Powered by

The Joint Admissions Board shall conduct the JEE-Advanced 2022 on 28 Aug 2022, the applications for which will start on 7 Aug. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay shall be the organizing institute.

Revised dates
Registration date: 7 Aug to 11 Aug 2022
Date of exam: 28 Aug 2022
Final result : 11 Sep 2022
Architecture Aptitude Test: 14 Sep 2022

Through JEE-Advanced, IITs offer admission into undergraduate courses leading to a Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s or Bachelor-Master Dual Degree in Engineering, Sciences or Architecture. Both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are awarded to candidates enrolled in the dual degree programs upon successful completion of the course curriculum. In some of the IITs, students enrolled into the 4-year Bachelor’s program have the option to pursue B.Tech. (Honors) and/or B.Tech. with Minors. Dual Degree students may also pursue a Minor. Further, in some IITs B.Tech. students also have the option to pursue Interdisciplinary Dual Degree, with Bachelors in parent Department and Masters in some other Department. All the above options require fulfilment of certain academic performance related criteria.
However, not all the listed programs and courses are available in all the institutes. The programmes that will be offered in 2022 will be announced at the time of seat allocation (i.e., filling-in of choices for admission).

Relaxation in Criteria as a special case for JEE-Advanced 2022
(a) One-time measure for those who first appeared in class 12th (or equivalent) examination in 2020/2021 AND successfully registered for JEE (Advanced) 2021 but did NOT appear:
Candidates who appeared in class 12th (or equivalent) examination for the first time in 2020 OR 2021 AND successfully registered for JEE (Advanced) 2021 but were absent in BOTH the papers, i.e., Paper 1 and Paper 2, of JEE (Advanced) 2021, are eligible to directly appear for JEE-Advanced 2022 and do not need to fulfil Criteria 1 to 4. However, they must successfully register for the JEE (Advanced) 2022 in the online registration portal and pay the registration fee. Further, these candidates would be considered in addition to and not as part of the total number of candidates who would qualify from JEE (Main) 2022 for appearing in JEE-Advanced 2022. 
Note: This one-time measure is NOT applicable to candidates who appeared for their class 12 exam for the first time before 2020.
(b) One-time measure for those who first appeared in class 12th in 2020:
As a one-time special measure due to the ongoing pandemic,  candidates who appeared in class 12th (or equivalent) examination  in 2020 for the first time are also eligible to appear for JEE-Advanced 2022 PROVIDED they satisfy the following two  criteria simultaneously: (i) The candidate should have appeared  ONLY ONCE for JEE (Advanced), either in the year 2020 or  2021; OR, have NOT appeared in any paper in both JEE  (Advanced) 2020 and JEE (Advanced) 2021. (ii) These candidate(s) should appear/should have appeared in JEE (Main) 2022 and meet the cut-off score of the top 2,50,000 successful candidates (including all categories) for qualifying for JEE (Advanced) 2022 in their respective category.  
This one-time measure is applicable to ONLY those candidates for whom the appearance in JEE (Advanced) 2022 will be their first or second attempt and is NOT applicable to candidates who appeared for their class 12th exam for the first time before 2020.  No candidate will be allowed to appear in JEE (Advanced) more than two times. Further, these candidates would be considered in addition to and not as part of the total number of candidates who would qualify from JEE (Main) 2022 for appearing in JEE -Advanced) 2022. Criteria 5 would be applicable to these candidate(s).  

List of 23 IITs : IIT Bhilai, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Dhanbad, Dharwad, Gandhinagar, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Kharagpur, Jammu, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Mandi, Mumbai, New Delhi, Palakkad, Patna, Roorkee, Ropar, Tirupati, Varanasi

Other institutes accepting JEE-Advanced : Other institutes which have used JEE-Advanced ranks in the past include the following :
- Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc)
- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) located in Berhampur, Bhopal, Kolkata, Mohali, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram and Tirupati
- Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram
- Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT), Rae Bareli
- Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy, Visakhapatnam

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