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ISI 2019 Entrance Exam Schedule Announced
Published on : 15-Sep-2018 Powered by www.Opasis.comIndian Statistical Institute, an Institution of National Importance, has announced the schedule of application process and entrance for 2019. As per the information published, the entrance exam shall be conducted on 12 May 2019. The applications process will start on 5 Feb 2019.
Courses offered : B Stat (Hons) at Kolkata and B Math (Hons) at Bengaluru
Note : Eligible Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) Awardees of any year need not sit for the written test . Such candidates would be directly called for interview but are required to apply in the prescribed application form like all other candidates
About the institute : The Indian Statistical Institute, known widely as ISI, was founded in 1931. Headquartered in Kolkata, it is an Institution of National Importance. Centres of the Institute have come up over the years in other major cities. At present, the Institute has four centres operating at Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai and Tezpur. In addition, the Institute has a branch at Giridih devoted to agricultural and sociological research and also a network of units at Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune, involved in activities related to Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research. Most of the research and teaching activities of the Institute take place in its headquarters in Kolkata and the four centres.
For further details, check ISI-Stat-Maths
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