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IMU-CET 2017 registrations started

Published on : 25-Mar-2017 Powered by

Courses offered : Undergraduate courses offered are B.Tech (Marine Engineering), B.Tech (Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering), B.Sc (Ship Building & Repair), B.Sc (Maritime Science), B.Sc (Nautical Science), BBA (Logistics, Retailing & E-Commerce)

About Indian Maritime University (IMU) : IMU was established on Nov 14, 2008 as a teaching and affiliating university under the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India, with Chennai as headquarters. There were 6 renowned legacy teaching-cum-research institutes under the Ministry of Shipping, and these were subsumed under the Indian Maritime University in November 2008. The 3 institutes in Mumbai, namely, the Training Ship Chanakya, the Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research, and the Marine Engineering Research Institute became the Mumbai campus of the Indian Maritime University. The 2 institutes in Kolkata, namely, the Marine Engineering Research Institute and the Indian Institute of Port Management became the Kolkata campus of the University. The National Ship Design and Research Centre in Visakhapatnam and the National Maritime Academy in Chennai became the Visakhapatnam and Chennai campuses respectively of the University. Post-November 2008, Kochi Campus was set up - in 2009. The University also has 24 Affiliated Institutes.

Key dates

Last date for online application : 8 May 2017

Date of entrance test : 27 May 2017

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