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IIT Gandhinagar BTech Special Admissions For Olympiad Qualifiers

Published on : 18-Apr-2022 Powered by

IIT Gandhinagar invites applications for BTech programmes for the academic year 2022-23 from students selected for specified Olympiad training camps. IIT Gandhinagar offers 4-year B.Tech. programme in six Engineering disciplines (Chemical, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering).


1. The applicant must be in class XI or class XII or must have passed class XII in 2021

2. Selection in one of the following training camps:

a. Mathematics: International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camps (IMOTC) organized by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE)

b. Chemistry and Physics: Orientation-cum-Selection Camps (OCSCs) for Science subjects (Chemistry, Physics), organized by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE)

c. Informatics: International Olympiad for Informatics Training Camp (IOITC) organized by the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (IARCS)

Note : Eligibility criteria of passing class XII (or equivalent) examination as specified by JOSAA for admission into IITs will also be applicable.

Programme highlights

1. Award winning curriculum

2. Broad-based and flexible with courses in humanities and social sciences, design and innovation, life sciences

3. Unique 5 week Foundation Programme for holistic development

4. Emphasis on active and project based learning inside and outside classroom

5. Liberal branch change norms

6. Numerous additional learning options such as minors, honours, dual major, dual degree programmes

7. 40% of BTech students receive study abroad opportunities via internships

8. Infrastructure and support for incubation and entrepreneurship

9. Innovative programmes such as Explorer and Gram fellowships provide rich and multifaceted experience

How to apply

1. Application forms can be downloaded HERE. It is mandatory to fill all the fields in the application form.

2. The following documents must be submitted along with the application form:

a. Resume/CV

b. Latest passport size photograph

c. Documents/certificates confirming your selection to the training camp, selection to the International Olympiad, and performance in the International Olympiad (receipt of medals)

d. Aadhar card

e. Class X and Class XI or XII mark sheet

f. Proof of date of birth

3. The application form (along with the supporting documents) can be emailed to or can be sent to the following address by post: Assistant Registrar, Academics, Academic Block 3, Room 101, IIT Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar- 382055, Gujarat, India

4. Please keep a copy of the application form for your reference

5. For any clarification, please write an email to

Application last date : 31 May 2022

IIT Gandhinagar was founded in 2008 and is located in Palaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on the banks of river Sabarmati. IITGN is rated India’s first 5-star GRIHA LD (Green) campus for minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The campus has been declared India’s first 5-star campus for ensuring food safety and promoting healthy eating.



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