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Delhi University NCWEB Applications Open Upto 10 Oct

Published on : 06-Oct-2022 Powered by

Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB), University of Delhi shall accept online applications for admission in its two UG courses upto 10 Oct 2022.

Important Note: It is worth noting that admissions are open to girl students who are residents of NCT of Delhi, irrespective of the location of their school from where they cleared the qualifying examination.

Course(s) offered and intake
(a) BA (Program): 9,230 seats (355 in each Teaching Centre)
(b) BCom: 5,980 seats (230 in each Teaching Centre)

Admission criteria: Admission shall be based on merit determined on the basis of marks in qualifying examination.
Merit shall be determined based on one language and three best elective subjects as per the rules laid down by the University of Delhi

About NCWEB: Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB), started in 1944, is a constituent part of University of Delhi. This institution has an arrangement where the girl students attend classes during Saturday / Sunday and academic breaks across the twenty-six Centres being run in the constituent colleges of University of Delhi for undergraduate courses and for post graduate courses, at the NCWEB Centre respectively. During the pandemic period, classes were held regularly using online teaching platforms. These Centres provide for library and other facilities besides utilizing the existing resources and infrastructure of the colleges. 

The Board also gives financial aid and book loan facility to the needy and desirous students. At present, nearly 32,000 girl students are studying in the institution.

Key points
- Only women candidates residing in NCT Delhi will be eligible for admission to UG courses of NCWEB, University of Delhi
- A residence proof in the name of the candidate will be required at the time of the admission. It can be a valid Aadhaar Card, Voter Identity Card, Passport, Driving License or Ration Card (with the name of the candidate).
- The candidates are advised to take admission in the NCWEB Centre near their residence. After taking admission in a NCWEB Centre, change of Centre or admission to any other NCWEB Centre is not allowed.
- Minimum Eligibility Criteria as well as other terms and conditions prescribed by the University of Delhi for UG courses is applicable for NCWEB admission also.

Compulsory test in Hindi
If candidates enrolled for B.A./B. Com. Examination do not have Hindi as a subject, then they have to pass the Compulsory Test in Hindi, prescribed by the University of Delhi in order to be eligible for award of the Degree. The test is held in September and March every year in accordance with Ordinance V2A of the University.
Such candidates may be exempted from this test if they apply to the Director / Asstt / Deputy Register, Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board enclosing documentary proof of having passed one of the following examinations in Hindi;
(a) Qualifying or Admission Examination conducted by the University of Delhi.
(b) The Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
(c) The Intermediate Examination of an Indian University.
(d) Any other Examination recognized as equivalent to (a), (b) and (c) above.
(e) The Oriental Titles or Diploma Examination of the Indian University incorporated by any law of the time being in force.
(f) The Matriculation Examination or the Higher or Lower Hindi Examination included in the syllabus for the Cambridge Senior Certificate Examination, or an examination recognized as equivalent to the Matriculation Examination.
(g) (i) The Hindi Examination prescribed for science group students at the end of IX class of the Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. (ii) The test Elementary Hindi (Compulsory) conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi since November 1953 for their High School/Higher Secondary and Higher Secondary Technical Examination.




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