College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

Delhi University Changes Admission Policy

Published on : 23-Dec-2021 Powered by

Till 2021, University of Delhi has been granting admission in select courses on the basis of entrance test and on the basis of marks in qualifying examination in the rest. Deciding a major change in its admission policy, the University has now decided to grant admissions in all its UG courses through an Entrance Test, starting from 2022.

Entrance test based courses: Courses for which entrance test was being conducted till last year (2021) are

- BA (Hons) Music

- BSc Sports

- BTech (ITMI)

- Bachelor of Elementary Education

- BA (Hons) Humanities and Social Science

- Integrated MSc Journalism

- BA (Hons) Multimedia & Masscom

- Bachelor of Management Studies

- BBA (Financial Investment Analysis)

- BA (Hons) Business Economics

Check details of above entrance tests HERE

Entrance From 2022 For All Courses: The university may either adopt CUCET (Central Universities Common Entrance Test) or may have its own independent entrance test DUCET. A decision in this regard and details thereof are yet to be frozen.

In 2021, CUCET was conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) jointly for admission in different programmes of following 12 Central Universities.

- Central University of Andhra Pradesh

- Assam University, Silchar

- Central University of Kerala

- Central University of Gujarat

- Central University of Haryana

- Central University of Punjab

- Central University of Jammu

- Central University of Rajasthan

- Central University of Jharkhand

- Central University of South Bihar

- Central University of Karnataka

- Central University of Tamil Nadu

In 2020, admissions in Central University of Kashmir and Central University of Odisha were also through CUCET



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