College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

Common tests may make Delhi University cut-offs history

Published on : 20-Jul-2016 Powered by

The University of Delhi is planning a drastic change in admission norms for its colleges. 

It will consider replacing the system of setting minimum admission scores with an entrance examination, amid reports that school boards were inflating marks and many high-scoring students were unable to get into colleges because the cut-off levels were scaling new heights every year. 

Comprehensive consultations are being planned to assess the possibility of holding a single entrance exam for admission to over 75 colleges spread across two campuses that are affiliated to one of the most prestigious Central universities. 

Vice Chancellor Yogesh Tyagi confirmed to ET that such a proposal is under consideration and will be examined in detail as soon as this year's admission process is wrapped up. 

He said similar suggestions had been made earlier. "Now with reports of board marks being inflated to ease admissions, we are closely looking at solutions," Tyagi told ET. "While this has been discussed a little at various places, it requires a more structured discussion. We plan inclusive discussions on this to see how to conduct it, how many examination centres may be needed and where to set up centres and other logistics." While inflation of marks is a concern, it is not the only issue. Tyagi said the scale of such an exam would entail considerable work because over three lakh students from all over the country apply for admission to Delhi University every year. 

It is learnt that the proposal has been discussed at the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Ministry officials said all Central universities are autonomous and can set their own admission policy. 

(The Economic Times)

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