College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates
CIFNET Nautical Science Entrance on 9 June
Published on : 08-May-2018 Powered by www.Opasis.comCentral Institute of Fisheries, Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET), affiliated to CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology), Kochi shall conduct the Entrance Test on 9 June 2018.
Course offered : 4 year Bachelor of Fishery Science (Nautical Science)
About the course : The B.F.Sc.(N.S.) course offered by CIFNET is a 4 year (8 Semester) programme mainly concerned with study of fish capturing techniques, nautical science and operation of fishing vessels. This programme has an exhaustive curriculum designed to provide profound practical knowledge on various aspects of the fishing and nautical sciences. This Degree course is affiliated to CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology), Kochi. This course will be converted into a Residential course in due course.
This 4 year programme will be producing a new generation of experts in the fishing field who will be able to take up any challenges in the operation of fishing vessels and related research and academic spheres with confidence.
The candidate who have successfully passed this degree and the basic modular courses with required sea experience are exempted from all written papers and directly (without Post Sea courses) appear for the Mate Fishing Vessel oral examination leading to the issuance of Certificate of competency as Mate of a fishing vessel.
Check details @ CIFNET-Nautical-Science
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