College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

BCECEB Bihar Starts UG Engineering 2021 Counseling Registrations

Published on : 26-Oct-2021 Powered by

Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) Online Applications are invited from candidates who have appeared in Joint Entrance Examination JEE (MAIN)]-2021 and got valid NTA score. Such candidates may apply for appearing in the Under Graduate Engineering Admission Counselling (UGEAC)-2021 for admission to the first year B.E. / B.Tech. Courses.

Participating institutes

a) Govt. Engineering Colleges of Bihar

b) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Women’s Institute of Technology, Navodaya Complex, Kameshwar Nagar, Darbhanga (Under Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga)

c) Exalt College of Engg. & Tech. (Private)

d) Vaishali and Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya (Private), Bihar

Eligibility, Prospectus, Counseling Fee

Eligibility criteria, Procedure for Online Submission of Application Form, procurement of Prospectus and Counselling Fee : Eligibility criteria for counselling / admission, Fee payment procedure, instructions and other details are available in the prospectus of UGEAC-2021 which can be seen / downloaded from the Board's website: on the link "UGEAC-2021" under Prospectus Section.

Application procedure steps

Click on 'Apply for UGEAC-2021' button and follow the following steps:

I. Step-One - Registration : For registering, the candidate is required to fill the information asked in Step-One of the application form, appearing on the computer screen. Candidates must enter their JEE (MAIN)-2021 Application No. and then click on verify button and after that enter your Date of Birth and click OK to verify details. If Data gets verified then proceed for further process else provide your correct credentials like JEE (MAIN)-2021 Application No. and Date of Birth. Candidate while registering, must see that he / she is giving his / her own email_id and mobile no., because all information concerning registration will be sent on the same email id and mobile no. Also the candidate will receive a SMS. The received email and SMS will contain an "ACTIVATION CODE" which is to be used by the candidate to activate his account. The candidate should click "Activate Your Account" Button and enter the email_id and received Activation code to activate his / her account. There after click the "Submit" button. After activating the account the candidate should click the "Sign in" button and enter the email Id and password to proceed further. The candidate must keep

the password entered in Application Form confidential, otherwise BCECE Board will not be responsible for any complication. The email id given by the candidate will be his user name.

II. Step-two - (Personal Information) : After successful registration and activating the account, the candidate should again "Sign in" to his account and thereafter complete the required entries regarding personal information on the computer screen. Then click on "Save & Continue" button.

III. Step-Three - (Upload Photo and Signature) : After entering the personal information the candidate should upload his / her passport size photograph of high contrast (Photo must be snapped with placard containing candidate's name and snapping date), and full signature in Hindi and English (Not in capital letter) after duly scanning the same. After uploading photo and signature click on "Save & Continue" button.

IV. Step-Four - (Educational Information) : After uploading the scanned photo and signature the candidate should enter his / her educational information on the computer screen and click on "Save & Continue" button.

V. Step - Five (Preview your application) : After entering educational information the candidate must verify all the information given by him/her while verifying given information in step-2, step-3 and step-4. If any information is found wrong, then the candidate should click "Back to Edit" button and make required corrections. Thereafter the candidate should click "Save & Continue" button so that entered information should be updated.

If preview of application form is found to be correct, then the candidate has to give his / her Declaration and click the "Confirm & Submit" button so that he / she could pay Examination Fee as per Step-Six.

VI. Step - Six (Payment of Counselling Fee) : After preview of the Application Form and submitting the same, the candidate should click "Proceed to Payment" button and complete the payment procedure according to instructions appeared on the computer screen regarding payment of Counselling Fee. Paid Counselling Fee will not to be refunded. There are following two modes for payment of Counselling Fee.

Counselling fee to be paid online is Rs. 1200/- (One Thousand Two Hundred) only for Unreserved/ BC / EBC candidates and Rs. 600/- (Six Hundred) only for SC / ST / DQ (PwD) candidates.

VII. Step - Seven (Download part- A & Part-B) : After payment of Counselling Fee upto scheduled date and time, the candidate must download Hard Copy (Part-A & and Part-B) of online submitted Application Form and keep the same safely in his possession because it contains all information provided by the candidate and the UGEAC-ID made available by the Board for further use during counselling.

Counseling schedule

(i) Online Registration starting date: 22.10.2021

(ii) Online Registration closing date: 02.11.2021 (11.59 P.M.)

(iii) Last date of payment through Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card with final submission of the online Application Form of Registered candidate: 03.11.2021 (11.59 P.M.)

(iv) Online Editing of Application Form: 04.11.2021 to 05.11.2021

(v) Publication of Merit list of UGEAC-2021: 06.11.2021 (8.00 P.M.)

(vi) Proposed date of Online Counselling: To be notified later on.

Seat allotment will be done Online. Candidates will be informed about the details of counselling programme with the publication of merit list of UGEAC-2021.




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