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Apply by 16 Jan For GUJCET 2024

Published on : 16-Jan-2024 Powered by

Applications for GUJCET-2024, conducted by Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB), shall close on 16 Jan. GUJCET is conducted for admission in Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture, Planning, Fashion Tech courses in institutes in Gujarat.

Key dates

Last date to register: 16 Jan 2024

Date of GUJCET: 31 Mar 2024

Application details

Application fee: Rs.350/-

Application link:

Technical instructions:

Payment instructions:

Form filling instructions:

Stream wise subject requirement: To be eligible for admission through GUJECT, the mandatory subjects required in 10+2 are as listed below:

(A) Aeronautical Engg, Ceramic Engg, Civil Engg, Chemical Engg, Dairy Engg, Energy Engg, Mechanical Engg, Fire & Safety Engg, Marine Engg, Metallurgy Engg, Military Engg, Mining Engg, Nano Technology, Nuclear Science & Technology, Textile Engg: Physics, Chemistry, Maths

(B) Agriculture Engg: Physics, Chemistry OR Agriculture stream in 10+2

(C) Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Engg, Printing Engg: Physics, Chemistry

(D) Computer Science & Engg, Electrical Engg, Electronics Engg: Physics, Maths

(E) Food Engg, Leather Technology, Textile Chemistry: Chemistry

(F) Architecture: As per NATA norms

(G) B.Planning: Maths

(H) Packaging Technology, Fashion Technology: Nil

Note the following Before starting the online application:

a) Applicant has to upload Photo & signature while applying. Scanned documents of both is required and it should only be in .jpg/.jpeg format. While scanning signature or photo, Image resolution should be 300 DPI (Dots per Inch) or above.

b) Size of attachments is allowed between 5KB and 50KB. Approx dimensions 120px X 120px. Please note that attachments should be clearly visible.

c) Photograph must be taken in a White or a very light background.

d) Face should occupy about 50% of the area in the photograph, and with a full face view looking into the camera directly. The main features of the face must not be covered by hair of the head, any cloth or any shadow. Forehead, both eyes, nose, cheeks, lip, and chin should be clearly visible.

e) Do not upload Mobile phone photographs of Candidate.

f) Candidate must not wear spectacles with dark or tinted glasses, only clear glasses are permitted.

g) Please put Candidate’s signature with a black or dark blue ink on a white paper.

h) Do not upload Mobile phone photographs of signature.

i) Photo, Signature or any other required attachment(s) must be adequately visible else can be rejected.

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