College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates
ARCH Academy 2023 B.Des Applications Started. Grade 11 can also apply
Published on : 15-Jan-2023 Powered by www.Opasis.comARCH College of Design & Business in Jaipur, Rajasthan has started the applications for admission to its 4-year B.Design programs in Jewellery, Interior, Fashion, Product and Graphics design. It also offers BBA in Design & entrepreneurship. ARCH is a private institute affiliated with the University of Rajasthan for Bachelor of Design Degree (B.Des) and B.B.A (Design and Entrepreneurship)
ARCH conducts AIEED-2023 (All India Entrance Examination for Design) for Undergraduate & Postgraduate courses in Design.
Eligibility: Students from any stream and any board including NIOS are eligible.
Also, grade 11 students can also take the AIEED 2023. Qualifying students will be eligible for direct admission in the academic year 2024 after clearing the interaction and PoA stage.
AIEED assessment is an online assessment that can be taken from the comfort of one's home.
The components of AIEED are:
1. Portfolio of Abilities (PoA) Video
2. CATA Screening (Comprehension, Awareness, Thinking & Articulation)
3. PED Screening (Psychological Endowments for Design)
4. Online Interaction
The total time for Part 1 & 2 above is 5 days.
Part 3 (PED) is a 35 min long objective assessment.
Last date to apply: 10th February 2023
For details, visit AIEED-2023 on OPASIS.
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