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AIEEA-UG-2017 to be conducted by ICAR on 10 June

Published on : 24-Apr-2017 Powered by

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), an apex body for coordinating, guiding and managing research and education in agriculture in the entire country under the aegis of DARE, Ministry of Agriculture, has been able to foster a countrywide arrangement with the AUs to set aside 15% of their seats for Bachelor degree programmes to be admitted through ICAR’s All India Entrance Examination so as to reduce academic inbreeding, increase mobility among students, encourage national integration and infuse merit and uniform examination standards leading to improved overall quality of  agricultural education.  Accordingly, ICAR conducts All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) to Bachelor degree programmes in agriculture and allied subjects, other than veterinary sciences, at Agricultural Universities on 15% of the University seats (except RLB CAU Jhansi, NDRI Karnal and Dr.RP CAU Pusa, Bihar where100% seats will be filled up) every year. National Talent Scholarship (NTS) of Rs.2000/month are awarded based on the AIEEA-UG examination to all those candidates who take admission outside their state of domicile. Further, not more than 40% candidates from any one state are admitted in any agricultural university/subject. ICAR’s 22ndAIEEA-UG-2017 examination for the academic session 2017-18 will be conducted at 49 examination city centres spread all over the country, enabling participation of a large number of candidates seeking admission in Bachelor degree programmes in accredited AUs in different disciplines. Only candidates declared qualified for counseling will be considered for allocation of subject and the Agricultural University. There is no direct nomination for admission through ICAR in any Bachelor degree programme without qualifying in this examination.

Courses offered : 10 Bachelor Degree programmes of 4 Year duration as listed below

(a) BSc (Hons) in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Community Science, Sericulture

(b) BFSc

(c) B.Tech in Agriculture Engg, Dairy Technology, Food Technology, Biotechnology

ICAR National Talent Scholarship : National Talent Scholarship would be available through the Agricultural University concerned, to every student admitted on ICAR seat at any Agricultural University in a state outside his/her domicile state, at the rate of Rs.2,000/- per month during the period of study

Key dates

Last date to apply online :

Date of entrance exam : 19 June 2017

Check detailed info ICAR-AIEEA-UG-2017

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