Exam Announced? NO

Xavier University Bhubaneshwar (XUB), a private university, offers MBA programs conducted by Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB). Until some time back XIMB was offering Post Graduate Diplomas but since the formation of XUB, these programs have been renamed as MBA programs.

MBA programs at XIMB:
* MBA-BM (Business Management)
* MBA-HRM (Humar Resource Management)
* MBA-RM (Rural Management)
* MBA-SM (Sustainability Management)
* MBA-Global (Global Management & Leadership)

Admissions are through either of the entrance test scores:
- XAT-2017, CAT-2016, GMAT (min score 550 & should have been taken in 2015 or 2016) or X-GMAT-2017
- X-GMAT-2017 is conducted by XIMB.
- Section wise cut-off scores as well as total cut-off scores will be used for short-listing candidates who will be called for Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI).

Note: The time schedule and venue details of X-GMAT will be intimated by email, by the last week of December.
Last Date to Apply: 10th Dec 2016.
Fees: * MBA-BM & MBA-HRM: Total program fee; Rs 14,00,000/- (Rs. 6,50,000/- in the first year and Rs. 7,50,000/- in the second year).
* MBA-RM & MBA-SM: Total program fee; Rs 10,00,000/- (Rs. 5,00,000/- in the first year and Rs. 5,00,000/- in the second year).
Hostel & other fee: Rs 1,50,000/- per annum approx

Admission Process
- Apply online at http://forms.xub.edu.in/
- Pay the application fee through the Payment Gateway. (Application fee is Rs.1300/- for the first option, Rs. 800/- for the second option, and Rs.600/- each for the subsequent options. Use single form for applying for multiple programs and/or through multiple tests.)
-  The additional fee for X-GMT will be Rs.1000/-

Conducted by:

Xavier University, Bhubaneshwar

Conducting organization type: Private Univ

Additional info: The exam is popular across East

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