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Courses offered : B.Pharm and BSc (Hons) in 4 bio-science related streams namely (a) Biotechnology (b) Bio Physics (c) Bio Chemistry (d) Microbiology. Botany and Zoology streams are also offered. 

The University also offers BSc (H) in Anthropology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Physics (Specialization in Electronics), Mathematics.

Punjab University Chandigarh is one of the oldest Universities in India. Established in 1882 as University of Punjab at Lahore (now in Pakistan), it is now spread over an area of 550 acres the city of Chandigarh. It has 78 teaching and research departments and 15 Centers/Chairs for teaching and research at the main campus located at Chandigarh. It also has 188 affiliated colleges spread over Punjab and having one rural Regional Centre at Kauni, and 3 Regional Centres at Muktsar, Ludhiana and Hoshiarpur. The University has 4 Constituent Colleges located at Sikhwala (Sri Muktsar Sahib), Balachaur (SBS Nagar), Nihalsingh Wala (Moga) and Guru Harsahai (Ferozepur).

No. of seats

a) BPharm (Open 46, NRI 6, Foreign National 2)

b) Bio Chemistry (Open 25, NRI 4, Foreign National 2)

c) Bio Physics (Open 25, NRI 4, Foreign National 1)

d) Biotechnology (Open 15, NRI 2, Foreign National 1)

e) Microbiology (Open 30, NRI 4, Foreign National 2)

Selection criteria : (i) CET percentile score with 75% weightage, (ii) 10+2 examination marks with 25% weightage and (iii) over and above weightage of NCC, NSS, etc. in terms of marks in the qualifying examination. The cut off percentage is 15% of the total marks. Only in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Backward Classes / PwD candidates, this requirement will be a minimum attainment of 10% (cut off) of total marks.

I.N.M.O. (Indian National Mathematical Olympiad) Awardees can join B.Sc. (Hons.) under the framework of Hons. School System (4 Years Programme as per NEP-2020) Department of Mathematics, without appearing in the PU – CET (U.G.) Entrance Test and these seats are additional, over and above the sanctioned seats.

Special Note : The candidates who have passed/appeared in 10+2 Examinations of Mahila Gram Vidyapith, Allahabad are ineligible to appear in the Entrance Test, as this institution has been derecognised by Panjab University, Chandigarh. The examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi, included in the booklet of recognised exams, have also been deleted from the Booklet.

Additional seats / Concessions

(a) Wards of Kashmiri Migrants and Kashmiri Pandits/Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrants) living in Kashmiri Valley.

(i) Relaxation in cut-off percentage upto 10% Subject to minimum eligibility requirement.

(ii) Increase in intake capacity upto 5% course wise.

(iii) Reservation of at least one seat in merit quota in technical/professional institutions.

(iv) Waiving off domicile requirements.

(b) For girl child :  Two additional seats per unit per course subject to maximum limit of four (4)out of the two girl children from the session 2015-16 are created for admission to a given course in the Panjab University Teaching Departments, Regional Centres and its affiliated Colleges provided they are otherwise eligible from all angles. The additional seats will be only for those girl Children who are either a single girl child of her parents or one amongst the only two girl Children with no male Child. The additional seat will be available to only one of the two girl children of a couple.

(c) For Cancer, AIDS and Thalassemia Patient : One additional seat each for the student suffers from Cancer, AIDS and Thalassemia has been allowed for admission in each course in the Panjab University Teaching Departments, Regional Centres and its affiliated Colleges subject to the condition that the candidate seeking admission under each of these categories if otherwise eligible from all angles. The claimant candidate will have to submit a certificate as a proof of from the National Medical Institute like PGI, AIIMS etc. in support of his/her claim.

(d) Two additional seats for rural students : Only those candidates will be considered in this category, who have passed their Matriculation and +2 examination from those rural schools that do not fall in the area of the Municipal Corporation / Municipal Committee/ Small Town / Notified Area / Cantonment Area. Further, the candidates should have been studying in such school for atleast five years before passing the last examination. A candidate claiming such benefit will have to produce a certificate from the D.E.O./Principal of the concerned institute of the area certifying that the school from where the candidate has passed the Matriculation and +2 examination, falls within the aforesaid rural area.

(e) One additional seat for border area students : The Border area students shall mean those candidates who have passed their Matriculation and +2 examination from the Border Area Schools situated within 20 kilometres from the International Border. A candidate claiming such benefit will have to produce a certificate from the Tehsildar or the Principal / Headmaster / Head of the School certifying that the School from where the candidate has passed the matriculation and +2 examination, falls within the aforesaid Border area.

(f) In all the teaching courses (except the courses governed by AICTE / NCTE / BCI / MCI / DCI etc.) being run in the Panjab University Campus including constituent colleges / regional centres / affiliated colleges, one additional seat is reserved per unit for those candidates who have excelled and outperformed by their participation in the Youth Festivals.

Reservation : Open 53.5%, SC 15%, ST 7.5%, BC 5%, Sports 5%, Defence personnel  5%, PwD 5%, Riot / Terrorist victim 2%, Freedom fighter 2%

Conducted by: Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab

Conducting organization type: State Univ

Additional info: The exam is popular across All India

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