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Course offered : 4 Yr BSc (Hons) Nursing
About the college : Holy Family College of Nursing aims to be the center of academic excellence in the field of nursing education. The School of Nursing, Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi started in 1956, was a bud which has bloomed into College of Nursing. In all these years it has stood steadfast for the mission and vision of providing high quality nursing education. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing programme started in the year 2011 under University of Delhi. Holy Family Hospital is the parent hospital of the College. It is a 345 bedded multi-specialty Hospital, run by the New Delhi Holy Family Hospital Society and managed by the Delhi Catholic Arch - Diocese. College is certified as a Christian Minority Educational Institution of Catholic Church of India, Delhi Diocese by the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions.
No. of seats : 50
Selection Guidelines
(a) The selection of the candidates will be done on the merit of selection test. All candidates irrespective of reserved or non-reserved category have to appear for the selection test.
(b) Decision of the Admission Committee shall be final.
(c) Selected candidates will have to undergo medical checkup for fitness at Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi for which they will have to bear the expenses.
(d) Admission will be confirmed only after making the complete payment of fees for one year and verification of all original certificates required for admission.
(e) All admissions are provisional, subject to the verification of original documents and Medical Examination conducted by Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi.
Reservation & Relaxations
(i) 50% seats are reserved for Christian candidates.
(ii) 5% seats are reserved for Children / Widows / Wives of officers and men pf the Armed forces including paramilitary personnel under different sub categories including ex-service men and gallantry award winners.
The Children / widows of the officers and men of the Armed force including Paramilitary personnel killed or disabled during hostility and also who died on duty will be given concession of 5% marks in the minimum eligibility conditions as per rules of the University.
(iii) There is provision of 3% seats for person with disability, Candidate has to satisfy / fulfil the norms stipulated by the University of Delhi and Indian Nursing Council.
Fee structure
Year 1: Rs.1,52,870/-
Year 2: Rs.1,12,820/- per annum
Year 3 & 4: Rs.1,13,020/- per annum
Mess charges, Medial examination charges, Vaccination charges, Cost of uniform & books is payable over and above the fee indicated.
Conducted by: Holy Family College of Nursing, University of Delhi, Delhi
Conducting organization type: Central Univ
Additional info: The exam is popular across All India