Insights & Advice

Humanities (Arts) and Commerce students can get into IITs

Published on : 12-07-2022 Powered by

Students of humanities and commerce now can get through into IITs. For instance, the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-Madras) offers a 5-Year Integrated M.A. in two streams

a) Development Studies and

b) English Studies for students after Class XII.

The first two years of the curriculum are common to all students after which, they branch out into the two streams. Allocation of streams will be based on students' performance during the first three semesters as well as their preferences.

Admissions to these two streams are via the Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination (HSEE) usually held in the month of April. The program is offered by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at IIT-M. The department is essentially multi-disciplinary in nature and has faculty from diverse streams, such as Development Studies, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, FilmStudies, Health Studies, History, International Relations, Philosophy, Politics, and Sociology.

See details at 

Industrial Design @ IIT-Bombay

Another little known to many is that Industrial Design Centre (IDC) at IIT-B is the mecca of design in India for Industrial Design, Visual Communication, Interaction Design, Animation and Mobility & Vehicle Design.

IDC at IIT-B offers 4-Year under-graduate Bachelors of Design program in Industrial Design for which admissions are offered via an Entrance Test called The Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design (UCEED)

 Eligibility: Students from any stream who have completed their Class XII or are presently in Class XII may apply.

Application process: The application for UCEED starts pretty early sometime early/mid-October and ends in November. The entrance test is held usually in the month of January, much before the actual entrance exam season begins.

Details @

About the Author : Tarun is the Co-Founder at He can be reached at

Keywords : Humanities, Commerce, IIT, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, UCEED, Humanities and Social Sciences


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