College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates
Separate Application for Admissions to Jesus & Mary College Delhi
Published on : 29-May-2018 Powered by www.Opasis.comJesus and Mary College (JMC) Delhi has started admission applications for various undergraduate programs starting 2018. JMC is a women-only college affiliated with the University of Delhi located in New Delhi.
Programs Offered
1) B.A.(Hhonors) degrees in History, Sociology, Political Science, Hindi (Hindi & English compulsory in CLass XII), English, Economics (Maths compulsory in Class XIi) and Psychology.
2) B.A. Program in 15 subject combinations
3) B.Com (Hons) Program (Mathematics should have been studied at Class XII level)
4) B.Com Program
5) Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Mathematics (Maths compulsory in CLass XII)
As a minority institution, the college also has a 50% reservation for Catholic or other Christian students.
Candidates will need to go through a two-step application process to apply at JMC:
Step 1: Candidates should first apply at the University of Delhi Centralised Admission Portal
Step 2: Next, she needs to fill up JMC Online Admission Form at giving the Registration Number provided by the University of Delhi Centralised Admission Portal .
1. An applicant can fill only one form; 3 preferences can be marked on one form. If a candidate applies for BA (Programme) course, she will be provided three choices of Discipline Combinations in order of preference. Any student who fills more than one form will be disqualified even at a later stage.
2. Students applying under sports category shall be required to appear for sports trials along with all original documents/certificates as per the schedule to be put up on the college website / notice board. Minimum eligibility for appearing in trials is I/II or III position at the Inter zonal level or I/II or III position at the State level.
3. Students applying under ECA category shall have to appear for ECA trials to be held in the college along with all original documents /certificates.
4. For Hons programs: ‘Best Four’ percentage will be calculated on the basis English and three academic subjects
5. For B.A. Program and B.Com Program: One Language (Core/Elective/Functional) and One non-listed subject can be included in calculation of ‘Best Four’ without any deduction.
6. Counselors available in college Room No. 108 from 21st of MAY 9.00 am to 1.00 pm (Monday to Friday). Phone: - 011-26110041
Previous year's cut-offs:
Details available at