College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

Manipal BTech Entrance 2020 Clashes With NATA, NDA and Many Engg Entrance Exams

Published on : 13-Feb-2020 Powered by

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE),A Deemed University, offers 4-Year B.Tech and 5-Year B.Arch programs, operating out of 3 institutes. The admission to these is through Manipal Entrance Test (MET), the applications for which are in progress. The test shall be administered in 79 cities in India and in Dubai.


a) Manipal Institute of Technology (MAHE Manipal)

b) Manipal University Jaipur (MU Jaipur)

c) Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT Sikkim).

Key dates

Last Date for Application: March 15, 2020

MET Online Test Slot Booking : April 6 - 10, 2020

Test dates : April 17 - 26, 2020

MET Results: April 30, 2020

Fee structure : Varies from Rs.13,10,000/-  to Rs17,06,000/- (full course duration) depending upon the stream for BTech. For B.Arch, it is Rs19,45,000/-.

Clashing exams : MET exam dates window clashes / overlaps with NATA, NDA-Exam-I, SRMJEEE, KEAM, AEEE, CUSAT-CAT, CET-K-Eng, GAT-UGTP, KIITEE, KLUEEE, NERIST, LPUNEST


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