College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

JEE Advanced to be conducted by IIT Kanpur on 20 May 2018

Published on : 01-Oct-2017 Powered by

The Joint Entrance Examination Advanced (JEE-Adv) shall be conducted on 20 May 2018, as per the information released on its website. This year, IIT kanpur shall be the organising institute for this exam.

Examination will be held on May 20, 2018 in two sessions. Starting this year, the entire JEE (Advanced) 2018 Examination will be conducted in fully computer based test mode. There shall be no option of pen and paper based exam. However, was in news recently, this has already run into some controversy with students of Bihar taking up the matter with the Govt. (see JEE-Adv-Controversy)..

The performance of a candidate in this examination will form the basis for admission to the Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Dual Degree programs (entry at the 10+2 level) in all the IITs. The decisions of the JAB 2018 will be final in all matters related to JEE (Advanced) 2018 and admission to IITs.

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