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Assam CEE 2019 on 28 Apr : Clashes with IIIT Hyderabad and 5 other BTech Entrance Tests

Published on : 09-Mar-2019 Powered by

Course offered : B.Tech

Combined Entrance Examination (CEE) Assam is conducted by Assam Science & Technology University, Guwahati for admission to B.Tech. programme in the colleges of Assam. 

Last date to apply : 25 March 2019


(a) The Candidate must be an Indian Citizen and a Permanent resident of Assam.

(b) For admission the candidate must pass the Qualifying Examination individually in the same sitting without any grace marks in the subject of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English with a minimum of 50 % (45 % in case of SC and 40 % in case of ST) marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The same sitting means a candidate must appear all the four subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English together.

(c) The Candidate must not be above 21 years or below 17 years of age as on 1st August 2019. Upper age limit is relaxed to 22 years in case of B.Sc. passed Candidates. Upper age limit mentioned is relaxed by 3 years for Scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribe candidates.

For details,check CEE-Assam-Eng @


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