College Admissions & Entrance Exams Updates

AIIMS MBBS Entrance 2019 : Reopening of Code Generation & Final Registration

Published on : 20-Mar-2019 Powered by

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences, (AIIMS), New Delhi in the interest of candidates has decided to give Final opportunity for applicants who have completed their Basic Registration but have not generated unique code and completed Final Registration within the stipulated time despite earlier opportunities. The facility for Generation of Code and Final Registration will re-open from19th March 2019 to 25th March, 2019 (up to 05:00 PM). The unique code is required for completing Final Registration Process. Applicants and their Parents and Guardians may please note that no further extension will be available since various pre-examination activities have to be completed after cessation of the Registration Process. Accordingly, the revised schedule will be as follows:

Reopening window

1. Generation of Code

Only by those who have completed Basic Registration

19 to 25 March 2019 (upto5PM)

2. Final Registration

Payment of fees and city choice(only by those who have Generated Unique Code for payment & city choice)

19 to 25 March 2019 (upto5PM) (Only for those candidates who will Generate their Registration Unique Code)

Please note that only those candidates whose Basic Registration (including uploading of correct images) is accepted, shall be able to complete further stages of Online Registration i.e. Generation of Code (for Final Registration) & Final Registration (for Payment of fees and choosing city)

Check details @ AIIMS


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